
T.O. is just wrong

I'm not going to devote too much time to Terrell Owens. He doesn't deserve any more attention than he's already getting. My basic feelings are that he is a spoiled crybaby who isn't getting his way. He's making things worse and worse every time he opens his trap. He's alienated his team mates, especially his QB, his coach, the national media, and most sports fans. I listen to a lot of sports radio, and maybe once a day I hear a guy call in and try to defend T.O., only to be ripped by any given host of any given show. He is indefensible. The only positive thing I can see in all of this is that he has dug a hole so deep that he can't get out, and I think that he's starting to feel it cave in on him and it entertains me to watch him panic. He is a wide receiver that wants QB money. Its not going to happen. Ever.