

Everyone is a hater. It's true. Sports media is designed around hating. The only people who don't hate are the guys who write for SLAM, and those ass kissers hardly count as journalists. Look at Jim Rome, the guy his a professional hater. Sean Salisbury is also a professional hater, while being a pro idiot as well.

I am definately a hater. Not a total hater. I have 'my guys' that I support unconditionally, but anyone else does anything wrong and I jump all over them. I was listening to the radio today, and they were discussion Manny Ramirez. I think Manny is a spoiled crybaby who lives in a hotel and has the emotional maturity of a pre-pubescent girl. That is a perfect example of me being a hater. The man can do what he wants, but I feel like I can hate on him just cause he's a crybaby.

Is any body unbiased these days? If you listen to Fox Sports Radio in the afternoons you hear Brian Cox telling everyone about how football is more difficult than any sport. I have a hard time beleiving that Brian knows anything about soccer, lacrosse, water polo, or anything not in the big 4. Just because they aren't as popular as football doesn't mean they aren't harder. If anything they are less popular because they are so difficult.

Anyway, since I'm a hater myself I can't be too hard on these media guys for playing favorites and hating on everyone else. Even though they are all professionals and should be able to separate themselves from their personal feelings for the sake of journalism. Oh well, no biggie.